Friday 12 June 2015

d6. What’s really at the end of the rainbow?

1) A hedge of hawthorn and blackroot that stands over twenty feet tall. It is impenetrable. Dagger-like thorns that twist and turn, bar your way. There are small birds, lizards, rodents, and other wildlife, skewered on the thorns, (that upon closer inspection, have the same colour and consistency of toe-nails), it does not look accidental either, the skewering, it appears as if someone has done this on purpose. The hedge goes on for miles and miles. No spell may let you pass through it, see through it, or even fly over it. Only once the party has given up all hope of entering does a large wrought iron gate appear. It stands massively, embedded in the hedge, two stories tall, cold black iron shaped like bones, slick with dew, rust and blood. The gate is locked and embellished with snow white skulls the size of prize winning pumpkins. Through the bars, which are shaped like femurs and fibula, you see row-upon-row of headstones, sepulchres and tombs. There are silent angels, trapped forever in mourning, alongside twisted nightmare deities, all caught perfectly and immortalised in marble and bloodstone. If you decide to enter this place, Save vs. Fear, or back away. Once inside, roll for initiative, as you will immediately be set upon by the guardians of Marrowhome, (treat as Wight’s). Marrowhome is where grave diggers, grave robbers, necrophiliacs, necromancers, mummifiers, and koroners go when they die. At the rotten heart of this graveyard is the tomb of the Great Interned, the patron sinner of all who dabble with the dead. Made from the flesh of a thousand flayed bodies, the sinner speaks with a multitude of tongues from a multitude of mouths, each spitting and belching forth lies, hate, terror, fear, maggots and flies. If defeated (not an easy thing to do) the construct collapses, leaving a bone chest, that contains upward of 100 souls that are yours to do with as you please.

2) A châteaux, red-bricked, gilt edged, and simply splendid in its grandiose manner. The doors and windows are open, emitting the genteel sounds of chamber music, and the hum of children’s voices. Curtains of silk billow from every window as if a great wind were tugging them about, even though you fail to feel anything at all. A glorious red carpet flows up the marble steps through a set of open doors into the châteaux. Upon entering the air is filled with the gentle fragrance of flowers and perfumes, banishing the usual stench of sweat and adventure you accumulate on the road. Ghostly, liveried footmen and waiters will appear, offering hors-devours and tall glasses of the finest ports, wines, and brandy’s known to man. Feel free to imbibe. Nothing will happen save what would normally transpire on eating and drinking. If you decide to investigate further, each room has a theme. 1) Red. Passion and Warfare. The walls, floor, and ceiling are painted a deep glowing red. There are deep red curtains and tapestries hanging on the walls. Golden furniture and furnishings are everywhere. Paintings and portraits of dying lovers and epic battle scenes adorn the room. There is music playing here, angry, fierce, throbbing. Militant one moment, and romantic the next. There are several bookcases to be found at the back of the room, not far from a huge fireplace and some leather chaise lounges. If anyone is to fall asleep in this room, they will receive a bonus to their strength upon awaking in the morning. Also, any spell-caster utilising a spell containing fire, will find it will do double damage. These effects are good for one day only. 2) Blue. Oh I do like to be beside the seaside. The room emanates feelings of calm and relaxation. You smell the sharp briny aroma of the ocean. Rest your weary feet and stay awhile. There is definitely a nautical theme to this room, with carved statues of sea creatures and mermaids dotted everywhere. There are paintings of great ships ploughing through colossal waves, and harbours and pirates and sea-gods, both large and small. There are hammocks made from netting at the back of the room. Anyone sleeping on those will receive a bonus to their intelligence upon awaking. Any spell cast that features water as its prime manifestation, will do double damage and will last for double the duration. This gift only lasts for one day. 3) Yellow-Belly-Custard dripping from a Dead Dog’s Eye. This room is peculiar. Everything you would normally find on the floor is on the roof. Chairs, tables, rugs, carpets, everything is up there. There is even a snifter of brandy, half-full, next to a smoking pipe, all upside-down. Next to the drink and the pipe, appears to be a letter of sorts. No matter what they do, there is no way to reach the items up there, especially magically. However, if they climb on each other’s shoulders, starting youngest to oldest, they can reach the roof and retrieve what is there. Hidden in a secret drawer in the writing desk is a scroll of Walrus conjuring. The power phrase is goo-goo-gajoob. 4) Green. Down in the Jungle Room. The air is moist, cloying. Large ferns fill the room. The ground is real jungle-floor. Birds are cawing and tigers are coughing. Splendid butterflies, majestic and colourful, bob through the steamy air. Each one has a secret to give, you just need to know how to listen to them.

3) Several intricate magical wards and circles, made from bone-dust and Dead Sea salt. There are precisely four summoning circles inside one another. Between them are various glyphs of demon control and barbarity. A pair of skeletal legs protrude through the first and second one. They are attached to a torso that looks as if the owner is merely sleeping, instead of dead. One hand clutches his chest, the other lies on the ground pointing east. Obviously the power of the circle containing the upper body has stopped the decay, whereas the circles containing the legs has not. In the centre of this magical dweomering, paces a very angry and upset Demon, who bares his teeth at the players, all while thumping his chest and cursing mankind to the abyss and back. He begs to be released from the circle. All they need do is draw a straight line through all the circles and it can be free. There’s a nine percent chance that the demon is actually telling the truth, and that when freed, it will simply return to hell. But, the other ninety one percent says it will be released and attack the party. However, there is also a chance that the Demon will offer them something that the party have been searching for. This would be the ideal time to sip-in a secret, or magical item from your campaign.

4) A lush forest of deepest green. The very air is alive with the smell of summer and the chorus of birds. If they wander through the forest, they will come to a magnificent apple tree at the centre of it. Lying in the shade, at the foot of the tree are two skeletons. They have been here for a while as the grass is growing up through their rib cages, and the mice have made nests of their skulls. The apples are large, ripe and juicy and delicious to the taste, and have zero magical properties whatsoever. However, in the top branches of the tree lurks a giant snake, which is capable of spitting poison as well as injecting it through it short-sword sized fangs. It is the colour of the branches and the leaves, and is nigh impossible to detect, as it slithers stealthily and silently toward its prey. It is fearsome creature and should be an extremely difficult challenge for the players. If killed, and gutted, they will find some bones and a fleece made of gold worth at least 10.000gp.

5) A small pot of gold, and an unmoving leprechaun. From afar, it looks as if the wee fellow is doing a jig, but the closer they get, they see that this is not the case. And, when they are nearly upon it, they see that both the leprechaun and the pot-of-gold are fake. Surprise! They are standing on a trapdoor, belonging to a massive trapdoor spider. It will flip the trapdoor when everyone is on it, sending the party tumbling into the darkness, where it, and its 1d20 medium sized brood, will attack. Inside the cave of spiders are several chests containing gems and coin and a large broadsword of Arachnid Slaying.

6) There is a large wooden stage. The red curtains are closed. There are many wooden chairs set out in front of the stage. If the players sit in the seats, the curtains slide open and a play begins. It is a special edition of the Merry Widow, with what appears to be the players as the actors. This illusion will keep the party enthralled, while a group of halfling thieves pick everyone’s pockets ( saves and rolls for success apply). If they realise what is going on during the play, the stage will disappear and the thieves will attack. If not, they will be poorer than when they had arrived but culturally, richer.

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